Issue |
Volume 36, Number 4, August 2018
Page(s) | 664 - 670 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 October 2018 |
Multi-Step Structural Optimization Design of Multi-Bubble Pressure Cabin in the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Blended-Wing-Body
School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
In this paper, multi-bubble pressure cabin is proposed for the flat fuselage of blended-wing-body(BWB) autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV). It has strong compressive capacity and makes full use of the fuselage space. Radial basis function surrogate model and Kriging surrogate model are used to construct mixture surrogate model for higher accuracy. Two infill sampling methods are adopted:the candidate point sampling and the local optimal sampling. Multi-step optimization of multi-bubble pressure cabin is carried out including shape optimization and structure optimization. To optimize shape, the maximum displacement is selected as the objective function and the shape constraint is chosen as the constraint condition. The minimum structural quality is selected as the objective function, the maximum equivalent stress and bulking factor are chosen as the constraint condition to optimize structure. Finite element method(FEM) analysis is carried out to study the strength and stability performance of multi-bubble pressure cabin using the commercial computational structural mechanics code ANSYS.
针对翼身融合自主式水下航行器的扁平机身结构,提出了一种多泡结构耐压舱,它具有很强的抗压能力,并且充分地利用了机身空间。由径向基函数(radial basis function,RBF)代理模型和Kriging代理模型组成了精确度更高的混合代理模型,采用候选点采样和局部最优采样2种加点策略,对多泡结构耐压舱进行外形和结构的分步优化设计。以最大排水体积为优化目标、外形约束为约束条件,对多泡结构耐压舱进行外形的优化;选取最小结构质量作为优化目标、最大等效应力和屈曲系数为约束条件,对多泡结构耐压舱进行结构的优化。使用基于有限元方法的分析软件ANSYS对模型的强度和稳定性进行了分析。
Key words: multi-bubble pressure cabin / mixture surrogate model / multi-step optimization design / finite element method
关键字 : 多泡结构耐压舱 / 混合代理模型 / 分步优化 / 有限元分析
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