Issue |
Volume 36, Number 5, October 2018
Page(s) | 919 - 925 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 December 2018 |
Thermal Analyses of Active-Cooled Strut in RBCC Engine
Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermo-Structure Laboratory, School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an
710072, China
Fuel-injection strut is an efficient way to increase the depth of fuel penetration and strengthen the mixing process of hot gas in supersonic combustor. With a validated numerical model, this article analyzed the effects of leading edge's radius, wall thickness and mass flow distribution on cooling efficiency of fuel-injection strut and proposed an optimizing strategy for active-cooled strut. Results showed that the larger radius of leading edge not only decreased the heat flux on the leading edge, but also has a negative effect on the aerodynamic performance of strut; and a thinner wall could enhance the cooling efficiency and uniformize the temperature distribution of the wedge; furthermore, the flow distribution of inlet coolant had a significant impact on the heat transfer and flow processes, an optimized way of flow distribution was obtained by comparing three different ways of distribution.
Key words: strut / active-cooling / numerical simulation / flow distribution
关键字 : 燃料支板 / 主动冷却 / 数值模拟 / 流量分配
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