Issue |
Volume 37, Number 2, April 2019
Page(s) | 283 - 290 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 August 2019 |
Design of Magnetic Field LUT Model for Femto-Satellites
School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Aiming at the high computational complexity and large storage of IGRF geomagnetic field model in Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS), the uniform sampling model and K-Curvature weighted model have been established. First of all, storage format and track deduction method of uniform look-out-table (LUT) model is proposed. Then, this paper uses U-Discrete curvature calculation method to solve the discrete curvature of magnetic field data. Finally, the uniform sampling method and K-Curvature Weighted model in fitting the original curve has been compared. In general, this paper presents K curvature weighted non-uniform LUT model with only 80 points needed, and it only needs 0.96 kB. It proves great advantages in terms of computing speed and storage space compared with the existing technology.
针对飞卫星姿态确定和控制系统(attitude determination and control system,ADCS)中,IGRF地磁场模型的计算复杂度高和存储空间量大的问题,设计了均匀采样和K曲率加权2种历表模型。首先,给出了均匀历表模型的软件流程、存储格式、轨道推演方法;然后,采用U曲率计算方法求解地磁场数据的离散曲率,并提出了K曲率加权方法设计非均匀历表模型;最后,比较了均匀采样和非均匀方法对原曲线的拟合程度,以及在ADCS中应用结果的比较。最终设计了适用于飞卫星的80点基于K曲率加权的非均匀历表模型,仅需0.96 kB存储空间,证明在计算速度和存储空间等方面和现有技术相比具有较大优势。
Key words: femto-satellites / ADCS / magnetic field model / LUT model / K-curvature weighted model
关键字 : 飞卫星 / ADCS / 地磁场模型 / 历表模型 / K曲率加权模型
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