Issue |
Volume 38, Number 1, February 2020
Page(s) | 114 - 120 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 May 2020 |
Quasi-2D Performance Analysis for Axial Compressors Based on Time-Marching Method
School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710072, China
In order to get a fast performance analysis tool for multi-stage axial compressors, a quasi-two dimensional analysis model based on time-marching method is developed in this paper. The model is based on Euler equation, and several source terms, like inviscid blade force model and viscous force model, are added to simulate different phenomena of compressor internal flow. The flow line in blade area is adjusted to solve the discontinuity problem at blade leading edge. Two test cases-PW3S1, a 3.5-stage axial compressor and a 1.5-stage high-speed axial compressor, are presented to validate the quasi-2D model. The overall performance characteristics of two compressors at different rotation speed are calculated then. The computed results are compared with experimental data or 3D results. The average errors of pressure ratio and efficiency are 0.52% and 0.63% in PW3S1 case, 1.73% and 2.91% in 1.5-stage compressor case, and the model is able to capture shock wave and to predict choke condition.
Key words: axial compressors / performance analysis / time-marching / quasi-2D model
关键字 : 轴流压气机 / 性能分析 / 时间推进 / 准二维模型
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