Issue |
Volume 40, Number 5, October 2022
Page(s) | 1090 - 1099 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 November 2022 |
Six-wheel trolley type landing gear ground load analysis study
National Defense Key Science Laboratory of Advanced Aircraft Design Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
为了分析起落架支柱柔性和机身柔性对飞机地面运动载荷的影响, 应用动力学基本原理, 建立了六轮小车式起落架动力学模型及全机模型。对活塞杆与外筒柔性化处理, 并在对称水平着陆、机尾下沉着陆和滚转着陆3种着陆工况下, 分析了小车式起落架的载荷分配情况, 研究了着陆工况及支柱柔度对小车式起落架载荷分配的影响。对机身进行柔性化处理, 分析机身柔性对地面载荷的影响。结果表明: 支柱柔度对起落架航向载荷影响较大, 对垂向载荷影响较小; 考虑机身柔性后, 弹性机身变形吸收能量, 有助于减弱机体振动, 起落架及轮胎上的载荷也明显减小。
In order to analyze the influence of a landing gear's strut flexibility and fuselage flexibility on the ground load of an aircraft, the dynamic model and whole aircraft model of the six-wheel trolley-type landing gear are established by using the basic principles of dynamics. The piston rod and outer cylinder are treated flexibly. Under the three landing conditions of symmetrical horizontal landing, tail sinking landing and rolling landing, the load distribution of the trolley-type landing gear is analyzed, and the effects of landing conditions and strut flexibility on its load distribution are studied. The fuselage flexibility is processed, and its influence on the ground load is calculated. The results show that the strut flexibility has a great influence on the heading load of the landing gear and a small influence on its vertical load. With the fuselage flexibility considered, the deformation of the elastic fuselage absorbs energy and helps to reduce its vibration and the load on the landing gear and tires significantly.
Key words: strut flexibility / landing gear / fuselage flexibility / ground load
关键字 : 支柱柔性化 / 起落架 / 机身柔性 / 地面载荷
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