Open Access


8块肌肉时域、频域特征与Borg CR-10量表评分间的相关性分析

手过头高度 肌电特征 相关系数r
m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8
注: “*”代表P≤0.05, “**”代表P≤0.01
H1 IEMG 0.276 0.922* 0.286 0.917* 0.300 0.497 0.902* 0.503
RMS 0.265 0.922* 0.236 0.917* 0.284 0.461 0.902* 0.483
MPF -0.361 -0.952** -0.310 -0.920* -0.127 -0.246 -0.870* -0.256
MF -0.153 -0.918* -0.292 -0.901* -0.077 -0.013 -0.804 -0.078
H2 IEMG 0.384 0.957** 0.552 0.933** 0.326 0.287 0.916* 0.241
RMS 0.344 0.947** 0.541 0.933** 0.306 0.317 0.916* 0.276
MPF -0.037 -0.927** -0.472 -0.934** -0.776 -0.249 -0.903* -0.303
MF -0.043 -0.917* -0.418 -0.925** -0.650 -0.138 -0.887* -0.252
H3 IEMG 0.365 0.869* 0.558 0.935** 0.363 0.020 0.995** 0.344
RMS 0.296 0.849 0.528 0.925** 0.363 0.010 0.985** 0.318
MPF -0.137 -0.976** -0.735 -0.951** -0.504 -0.428 -0.864* -0.776
MF -0.017 -0.938** -0.685 -0.928** -0.484 -0.247 -0.841 -0.612

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