Issue |
Volume 38, Number 1, February 2020
Page(s) | 75 - 83 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 May 2020 |
Study on Operation Strategy of Solar-Powered UAV Based on Longest Endurance
School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Aiming at the problem of energy collection and consumption of solar-powered UAV under different maneuvers, an energy collection model combining solar-powered UAV attitude and solar radiation was established. Firstly, the ASHRAE model was used as the solar radiation estimation model in the flight environment. Secondly, the energy harvesting model of the solar-powered UAV is deduced by the relationship between the attitude of the UAV, the relative position of the sun and the earth. The experimental data was used to establish the energy consumption model of solar-powered UAV in different flight states. Finally, the flight time of the same mission path under different operating modes is obtained through simulation. Simulation results show that when the solar-powered UAV is hovering at a height of 3 000 meters and a radius of 50 meters, the flight time of aileron operation is 7.19% longer than power differential operation; when hovering at a radius of 170 meters, the flight time of the two operations is almost equal; when hovering at a radius of 600 meters and flying in a line, the flight time of the power differential operation is about 1.08% longer than that of the aileron operation.
针对不同操纵方式下太阳能无人机的能量获取与消耗问题,建立一种结合太阳能无人机飞行姿态与太阳辐射的能量获取模型和能量消耗模型。首先运用晴空模型作为飞行环境中的太阳辐射估算模型;其次通过无人机姿态、太阳方位和地球之间的关系推导了太阳能无人机的能量获取模型,并利用实验室数据建立太阳能无人机不同状态的飞行能量消耗模型;最终通过仿真得出不同操纵方式下相同任务路径的飞行航时。仿真实验结果表明,该方案布局太阳能无人机在3 000 m高空、50 m半径盘旋时,副翼操纵比差动操纵航时长7.19%,170 m半径盘旋时,2种操纵航时相当,600 m半径盘旋以及直线飞行时动力差动操纵比副翼操纵航时长约1.08%。
Key words: solar radiation / energy collection / energy consumption / aileron operation / power differential operation / solar-powered UAV
关键字 : 太阳辐射 / 能量获取 / 能量消耗 / 动力差动 / 副翼操纵 / 飞行航时
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