Issue |
Volume 38, Number 2, April 2020
Page(s) | 246 - 252 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 July 2020 |
Optimized Stealth Design and Remolding of Target Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Department of Avionics, Chinese Flight Test Establishment, Xi'an 710089, China
State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
In order to satisfy the imperious requirements of low-detectable target aircraft in the current test and evaluation of airborne radar and to remedy the numerous defects of magnetic microwave absorbing coating in the practical application, a new type of light-weight electric loss coating with the carbon nanotubes(CNTs) was proposed by the optimal design of the absorbent content and coating thickness. A type of target unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) with representative non-stealth structure was remolded by the present type of coating, and the detection range of airborne radar to the remolded UAV was obtained in the flight test. The results reveal that the microwave absorbing coating with a thickness of 2.5mm has the optimized microwave absorbing properties at a CNTs content of 15wt.%, and the reflection loss value can be inferior to -8dB over the whole X band. The intensity level of scattering center of the UAV degrades after coated, and the radar cross section (RCS) of coated UAV decreases by 20dB in the flight test.
针对当前雷达性能试验过程中对低可探测目标机的迫切需求以及磁性吸波涂层应用时存在的面密度大等诸多缺陷,通过优化设计吸收剂含量和涂层厚度,获得一种以碳纳米管(CNTs)为主吸收剂的轻质电损耗型吸波涂层,利用该涂层对某型无人目标机进行隐身优化设计和改装,飞行试验验证了机载雷达对无人目标机的作用距离。结果表明:当CNTs含量接近15%时,2.5 mm厚的吸波涂层在8.2~12.4 GHz频段内具有优异的吸波性能,反射率均能达到-8 dB以下。经设计涂覆处理后,无人目标机各强散射中心得到有效减弱,飞行试验结果表明涂覆后无人目标机的雷达散射截面(RCS)相比涂覆前缩减可达20 dB左右。
Key words: CNTs / microwave absorbing coating / stealth remolding / RCS / radar detection range
关键字 : 碳纳米管 / 吸波涂层 / 隐身改装 / 雷达散射截面 / 雷达作用距离
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