Issue |
Volume 38, Number 6, December 2020
Page(s) | 1235 - 1239 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 February 2021 |
An Optical Fiber Sensor for Oriented Bending Based on Eccentric UV Exposure
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Optical Information Technology, School of Physical Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
School of Physics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control Technology for Oil and Gas Wells, School of Science, Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, China
The optical fiber sensor for oriented bending based on eccentric UV exposure is fabricated. With the eccentric UV exposure on the ready-made Michelson interference fiber structure, the optical sensor gives the oriented bending characteristics by changing the radial circular symmetry of fiber cladding refractive indexes. The principle of the asymmetric process of the eccentric exposure to cladding mode are analyzed. The bending loss of the excited cladding mode in different radial directions is detected. The experimental results show that the Michelson interference has some oriented bending characteristics in the eccentric UV exposure process. There are different bending sensitivity in different radial directions. Furthermore, the bending sensitivity is higher on the exposed side and the curvature sensitivity is 5.5 dB·m. On the opposite side, the bending sensitivity is lower and the curvature sensitivity is -1.31 dB·m. With these oriented bending characteristics, the optical sensor can be applied to oil and gas exploration and development and to oriented seismic wave vector detection.
提出并制作了一种基于偏芯紫外曝光的光纤矢量弯曲传感器。该传感器在已经制作好的迈克尔逊干涉结构上,利用偏芯曝光技术,使得光纤包层折射率的径向圆对称性发生变化,赋予干涉结构特殊的弯曲特性。同时分析了这种偏芯曝光技术包层模式非对称性的耦合的原理。实验监测了不同径向上,激发的包层模式的弯曲损耗。结果表明这种偏芯紫外曝光的迈克尔逊干涉结构具有一定的矢量弯曲的特性。在不同径向上,具有不同的弯曲灵敏度,且在受曝光一侧具有较高弯曲灵敏度,曲率灵敏度达到了5.5 dB·m。在未受曝光一侧具有较低弯曲灵敏度,曲率灵敏度为-1.31 dB·m。由于该传感器具有这种矢量弯曲的特性,可以很好地应用在油气田勘探开发、地震波矢量检测等领域。
Key words: optical fiber sensor / Michelson interference / oriented bending / eccentric UV exposure
关键字 : 光纤传感器 / 迈克尔逊干涉 / 矢量弯曲 / 偏芯紫外曝光
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