Issue |
Volume 40, Number 2, April 2022
Page(s) | 352 - 359 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 June 2022 |
Investigation on the flow mechanism of nacelle airframe interaction for podded blended wing body transport
The First Aircraft Institute of AVIC, Xi'an 710089, China
School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
For the flow interaction between the podded engine and the airframe of blended wing body configuration(BWB), taking the 300 seats class BWB civil transport NPU-BWB-300 designed by Northwestern Polytechnical University as the research object, the influence of the podded engines on the BWB airframe at typical high and low speed conditions were investigated by CFD method, and the airframe-nacelle interference mechanism was revealed. The results indicate that the podded engines mainly affect the high speed performance of BWB, but have little effect on the low speed performance. The flow interaction between the airframe and the nacelle at high speed condition is serious when podded the engines, which leads to strong shock wave and flow separation. The flow mechanism of the above-mentioned interaction is as follows: firstly, the large supersonic region and shock wave on the nacelle external surface interferes with airframe surface flow seriously, which induces shock wave and flow separation; secondly, a convergent-divergent channel is formed between the airframe and the nacelle, resulting in the "throat" effect, which produces shock wave and flow separation.
针对翼身融合布局背撑发动机与机体的流动干扰问题,以西北工业大学设计的300座级翼身融合民机构型NPU-BWB-300为研究对象,基于CFD方法研究了背撑式短舱对高低速典型状态布局流动特性的影响,揭示了背撑式发动机短舱与机体之间的流动干扰机理。结果表明: 背撑短舱主要影响BWB布局高速流动特性,对低速特性影响不大; 布置背撑式发动机后,高速状态短舱与机体之间流动干扰严重,易产生强激波并诱导流动分离。造成上述流动干扰的机理主要有2点: ①短舱外表面易出现大范围超声速区,易形成激波,并对机体上表面流动产生强烈干扰,诱发激波和流动分离; ②机体和短舱之间形成了收缩-扩张流动通道,出现“喉道”流动效应,产生激波和流动分离。
Key words: blended wing body(BWB) / podded engines / nacelle / flow interaction / flow mechanism
关键字 : 翼身融合布局 / 背撑发动机 / 短舱 / 流动干扰 / 流动机理
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