Issue |
Volume 40, Number 3, June 2022
Page(s) | 670 - 678 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 September 2022 |
GPS spoofing detection algorithm for quad-rotor helicopter based on speed/height comparison
Information Security Evaluation Center, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China
Computer Science and Technology, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China
In order to detect whether the GPS is abnormal in the flight state of small size quad-rotor, a GPS spoofing detection algorithm based on data fusion is proposed. Firstly, the velocity data from the monocular camera is calculated by using the self-velocity measurement algorithm based on the improved pyramid optical flow method. Secondly, the speed and altitude data of the IMU sensor unit of the small size quad-rotor were obtained, exactly the speed data were fused with the velocity data measured by using the optical flow method to obtain the optimal velocity estimation at that time. Finally, the small size quad-rotor GPS sensor data information is obtained, the aircraft speed and altitude data are calculated, and comparing with the data calculated in the previous step, to determine whether the GPS data at this time is abnormal. The experimental results on Anafi show that the present GPS spoofing detection algorithm can quickly detect data anomalies during flight. It can be seen that the present algorithm can provide strong technical support for GPS spoofing detection of quad-rotor.
为了检测小型四轴飞行器飞行状态下GPS是否异常, 提出一种基于数据融合的GPS欺骗检测算法。使用基于改进金字塔光流法的飞行器自测速算法, 计算出此时来自单目摄像头的速度数据; 通过小型四轴飞行器自身IMU传感器单元, 同时获取速度数据和离地高度数据; 将速度数据与光流法测得的速度数据进行数据融合, 得到该时刻最优速度估计值; 获取小型四轴飞行器GPS传感器数据信息, 解算出飞行器速度和离地高度数据, 并与上一步计算出的数据进行比较, 判断此时GPS数据是否异常。在Anafi (安娜飞)飞行器平台上进行实际飞行验证, 实验结果表明所提出的GPS欺骗检测算法在执行飞行任务时能快速检测出数据异常。可见, 提出的算法可为四轴飞行器GPS欺骗检测提供有力的技术支持。
Key words: data fusion / pyramid optical flow / GPS spoofing / quad-rotor / own measurement of aircraft speed
关键字 : 数据融合 / 金字塔光流 / GPS欺骗 / 四轴飞行器 / 飞行器自测速
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