Issue |
Volume 40, Number 4, August 2022
Page(s) | 829 - 836 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 September 2022 |
Aero-acoustic performance of a continuous transonic wind-tunnel axial-flow compressor
Facility Design and Instrumentation Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China
A three-stage axial-flow compressor was developed for a continuous transonic wind tunnel. The rotor-stator spacing and the ratio of number of rotor blades to number of stator vanes were properly chosen for the purpose of aero-acoustic noise suppression. The aero-acoustic performances of the axial-flow compressor were tested and analyzed. The test results show that the first BPF tonal noise is effectively suppressed even though some of it still exists; the noise amplitude frequency spectrum shows that the abnormal tonal noise, which is different from that related to BPF and its harmonics, exists under a wide range of working conditions and plays a dominant role in determining the sound pressure levels of the inlet and outlet of the axial-flow compressor. The comparison of test results shows that vibration is induced by the periodic non-uniform inlet flow condition and that the rotor blade that has a high aspect ratio is one of the main noise sources responsible for the abnormal tonal noise.
某连续式跨声速风洞主压缩机系统为1台三级轴流压缩机, 该压缩机采用了增加级间距与合理选择动静叶数目比的低噪声设计思路。该轴流压缩机进出口气动噪声特性试验结果表明合理选择压缩机动静叶数目比可有效抑制压缩机第一阶BPF对应的单音噪声向上下游传递, 但无法完全消除第一阶BPF对应的单音噪声。噪声幅值频谱特性表明, 压缩机噪声中含占主导地位的异常单音噪声, 且异常单音噪声对应的频率成倍数关系, 压缩机进口气动噪声受异常单音噪声影响的程度高于压缩机出口受异常单音噪声影响的程度。将压缩机进口机壳上半部分的4片支撑片移除后的测试结果表明, 压缩机进口周期性非均匀流场诱导第一级高展弦比动叶片振动是异常单音噪声产生的主要原因。
Key words: continuous transonic wind tunnel / axial-flow compressor / aero-acoustic noise
关键字 : 连续式跨声速风洞 / 轴流压缩机 / 气动噪声
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