Issue |
Volume 41, Number 4, August 2023
Page(s) | 812 - 819 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 December 2023 |
Effect of oxygen-enriched on the combustion characteristics of cartons under high plateau
Civil Aircraft Fire Science and Safety Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Guanghan 618307, China
Key Laboratory of Civil Aviation Flight Technology and Flight Safety, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Guanghan 618307, China
Artificial oxygenation facilities are installed in the high altitude airport living areas, and the fire behaviors of solid materials will change significantly under low-pressure with oxygen-enriched. The influence law of pressure and oxygen concentration on solid combustion rate was deduced from the perspective of heat and mass transfer. Carton fire experiments were carried out in the self-designed low-pressure oxygen-enriched chamber to measure parameters such as mass combustion rate, flame morphology and flame temperature during the combustion process, with a view to providing some basis for indoor fire safety in high plateau airports. The results showed that the relationship between the rate of combustion of carton and the pressure and oxygen concentration is , and the empirical formula is obtained through experimental results. At 60 kPa, as the oxygen concentration increased from 21% to 33%, the heat release rate grew by 63.56%, the total heat production increased by 8%, and the maximum flame temperature increased by 19%. Furthermore, flame shape had a thin high type into a wide low type, the color had a blue-yellow gradually turned into a bright color. The inhibition of carton combustion by low pressure can be significantly weakened by oxygen enrichment and the fire hazard increases. In addition, pressure was weakly correlated with mass loss and heat production at high oxygen concentration.
高高原机场生活区均设有人工增氧设施, 固体材料在低压富氧环境下的火行为将发生明显变化。从传热传质角度推导了压力和氧浓度对固体燃烧速率的影响规律, 在自主设计的低压富氧舱中开展纸箱着火实验, 对燃烧过程中的质量燃烧速率、火焰形态和火焰温度等参数进行测量, 以期为高高原机场室内消防安全提供一定的依据。结果表明, 纸箱燃烧速率与压力和氧浓度之间的关系为, 并通过实验结果拟合得到经验式。在60 kPa时, 随着氧浓度从21%提升到33%时, 热释放速率增大63.56%, 总产热量增大8%, 火焰最高温度提升19%, 火焰形状由细高型变为宽低型, 颜色由蓝黄色逐渐转为明亮色。通过富氧能明显减弱低压对纸箱燃烧的抑制作用, 火灾危险性也随之增大。在高氧浓度下, 压力与质量损失和产热量呈弱相关。
Key words: low pressure and oxygen-enriched / corrugated carton / combustion characteristics / mass burning rate / flame form
关键字 : 低压富氧 / 瓦楞纸箱 / 燃烧特性 / 质量燃烧速率 / 火焰形态
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