Issue |
Volume 41, Number 5, Octobre 2023
Page(s) | 1006 - 1014 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 December 2023 |
Evaluation method of filling difficulty for profile ring rolling cavity based on FEM and RSM
School of Materlals Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
During the rolling process of profile ring, the design of the rolling cavity directly affects the forming quality of the final ring. In order to improve the cavity filling rate and reduce the production cycle time, this paper proposes a general evaluation method of the filling difficulty for profile ring rolling cavity by combining the response surface method(RSM) and the finite element method(FEM) with the step-type ring as the research object. Firstly, a universally applicable design method for profile ring rolling cavity is proposed, and based on the description of the rolling cavity, three design variables and a corresponding response objective are defined to achieve multi-objective optimization. Secondly, a finite element model of this step-type ring rolling process is established, and the response model is built and improved by significance analysis and analysis of variance(ANOVA) based on the forming simulation results. Then, the effects of different variables on the optimization objectives are comprehensively investigated by this response model. Finally, the evaluation method of the filling difficulty for profile ring rolling cavity is obtained by combining the contour plot of the response objective.
在异形环件轧制过程中, 轧制型腔的设计直接影响着最终环件的成形质量。为了提高型腔填充率和降低生产周期, 以台阶型环件为研究对象, 将响应面法(RSM)与有限元法(FEM)相结合, 提出了一种通用的异形环件轧制型腔填充难易程度评价方法。基于对轧制型腔的描述, 定义了3个设计变量和相应的响应目标, 以实现多目标优化。建立了该台阶型环件轧制过程的有限元模型, 基于模拟结果, 通过显著性分析和方差分析(ANOVA)建立并改进了响应模型。通过该响应模型, 全面研究了不同变量对优化目标的影响。结合响应目标的等值线分析图得到了台阶型环件轧制型腔的填充难易程度评价方法。
Key words: profile ring rolling / finite element method / response surface method / cavity design
关键字 : 异形环件轧制 / 有限元法 / 响应面法 / 型腔设计
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