Issue |
Volume 42, Number 4, August 2024
Page(s) | 716 - 725 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 October 2024 |
A Petri nets-based modeling method for multi robot path planning
School of Automation, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China
School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China
School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
The construction of lunar bases is one of the core enabling technologies in current lunar exploration and development plans of various countries. However, to eliminate the constraints of high transportation costs and limited manned space technology, a new research plan is to employ multi robot teams to build lunar bases. The key to this solution is how to achieve path planning for complex tasks for multiple robots. Therefore, this article takes the exploration and collection area, lunar soil collection, and lunar soil transportation in the lunar base construction scene as complex task inputs, and studies a multi robot path planning modeling method based on Petri net model. Firstly, a Petri net model for multi robot motion was constructed. Meanwhile, linear temporal logic(LTL) language was used to describe the related tasks of lunar base construction. Finally, simulation validation was conducted in Matlab software and compared with the modeling method using switching systems. The results show that the total modeling time required for using the Petri net model is reduced by two orders of magnitude compared to the modeling time for a single task switching system model, indicating that the established Petri net multi robot model has advantages such as avoiding dimension explosion and computational efficiency.
月球基地建设是当前各国月球探测与开发计划的核心使能技术之一。然而, 为消除高昂的运输成本和有限载人航天技术的约束, 使用多机器人团队建造月球基地的新研究方案被提出, 该方案的关键是如何实现多机器人针对复杂任务的路径规划。为此, 以月球基地建设场景中的探测采集区域、采集月壤、搬运月壤等作为复杂的任务输入, 研究了一种基于Petri网模型的多机器人路径规划建模方法。构建了多机器人运动的Petri网模型; 使用线性时序逻辑(linear temporal logic, LTL)语言描述月球基地建设的相关任务; 将Petri网模型和LTL公式结合求解得到多机器人路径; 在Matlab软件中进行仿真验证, 并与使用切换系统的建模方法进行对比。结果表明, 使用Petri网模型所需的建模总时间比切换系统模型单个任务的建模时间减少2个数量级, 说明建立的Petri网多机器人模型具有避免维度爆炸、计算高效等优势。
Key words: construction of lunar bases / Petri net model / path planning modeling / linear temporal logic
关键字 : 月球基地建设 / Petri网模型 / 路径规划建模 / 线性时序逻辑
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