Issue |
Volume 36, Number 4, August 2018
Page(s) | 679 - 684 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 October 2018 |
Optimal Sizing of Hybrid Energy Storage System Taking into Account Economic Factors and Power Allocation
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710054, China
The sizing of hybrid energy storage system (HESS) for smoothing wind power fluctuations was studied in this paper. The goal of the proposed method is to find the optimal sizing of the battery and supercapacitor, and its meet the constraints of the power ramp rate constraint and the economic cost. Therefore, a power allocation strategy which based on the operating period of battery and the cutoff frequency of battery absorption power was proposed. The sizing optimization model, which considered the cost structure of HESS, the ESS characteristics and cycle life in different operating modes, is established by using minimum daily cost as objective function. The results of numerical example shows that the cycle life of ESS can be effectively extended with reasonable operating period of battery and the cutoff frequency of battery absorption power, the cost of HESS can be reduced.
Key words: hybrid energy storage system / power allocation / cut-off frequency / cost reduction / economic analysis / spectrum analysis / multi-objective optimization
关键字 : 混合储能 / 功率分配 / 截止频率 / 成本控制 / 经济性分析 / 频谱分析 / 多目标优化
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