Issue |
Volume 37, Number 6, December 2019
Page(s) | 1294 - 1301 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 February 2020 |
Recommendation Model for Trust Circle Mining Based on Users' Interest Fields
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
A trust-based recommendation system recommends the resources needed for users by system rating data and users' trust relationship. In current relevant work, an over-generalized trust relationship is likely to be considered without exploiting the relationship between trust information and interest fields, affecting the precision and reliability of the recommendation. This research, therefore, proposes a users' interest-field-based trust circle model. Based on different interest fields, it exploits potential implicit trust relationships in separated layers. Besides, it conducts user rating by combining explicit trust relationships. This model not only considers the matching between trust information and fields, but also explores the implicit trust relationships between users do not revealed in specific fields, thus it is able to improve the precision and coverage of rating prediction. The experiments made with the Epinions data set proved that the recommendation model based on trust circle exploiting in users' interest fields proposed in this research, is able to effectively improve the precision and coverage of the recommendation rating prediction, compared with the traditional recommendation algorithm based on generalized trust relationship.
Key words: trust relationship / interest field / recommendation algorithm / trust circle / social network
关键字 : 信任关系 / 兴趣领域 / 推荐算法 / 可信圈 / 社会网络
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