Issue |
Volume 39, Number 1, February 2021
Page(s) | 37 - 45 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 April 2021 |
A progressive damage model of composite laminates under low-velocity impact
School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
In this paper, a progressive damage model for studying the dynamic mechanical response and damage development of composite laminates under low-velocity impact was established. The model applied the Hashin and Hou failure criteria to predict the initiation of intra-laminar damage (fiber and matrix damage); a linear degradation scheme combined with the equivalent displacement method was adopted to simulate the damage development; a cohesive zone model with the bilinear traction-separation relationship was used to predict delamination. A user material subroutine VUMAT was coded, and the simulation analysis of carbon fiber reinforcement composite laminates subjected to 25 J impact was performed via commercial software ABAQUS. The predicted impact force-time curve, impact force-displacement curve, and damage distribution contours among the layers were in a good agreement with the experimental, which verified the proposed model. According to the simulation results, the fiber damage and matrix damage were analyzed, and the expansion of delamination was discussed.
建立了一种针对低速冲击下碳纤维增强复合材料层合板动态力学响应和损伤扩展的渐进损伤模型。该模型应用Hashin和Hou失效准则来预测层内损伤(纤维和基体损伤)的萌生;结合等效位移法的线性退化方案来模拟损伤的发展;采用双线性牵引力-分离法则的内聚区模型来预测层间分层损伤。编写了相应的用户材料子程序VUMAT,并在有限元软件ABAQUS中完成了25 J能量下复合材料层合板低速冲击的数值仿真分析。通过有限元模型预测得到的接触力-时间曲线、接触力-中心位移曲线、层间分层的损伤分布均与试验结果较好吻合,验证了该模型的有效性。根据仿真结果,分析了纤维和基体的损伤情况,讨论了分层损伤的扩展规律。
Key words: composite / low-velocity impact / numerical simulation / failure criterion / progressive damage
关键字 : 复合材料 / 低速冲击 / 数值仿真 / 失效准则 / 渐进损伤
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