Issue |
Volume 39, Number 4, August 2021
Page(s) | 794 - 800 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 September 2021 |
Optimization of secondary source configuration in enclosure using plane wave decomposition
School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Xi'an ACT Acoustic Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Xi'an, 710068, China
The optimization of secondary source configuration for an active noise control (ANC) system in its enclosed space generally focuses on noise reduction requirements at discrete points only. This may lead to the poor noise reduction performance in the whole spatial region, and it is necessary to know the information on error sensor positions in advance. To address this problem, a cost function for spatial-region-oriented noise reduction is proposed. The plane wave decomposition of the enclosed sound field is used to obtain the primary field plane waves and the unit secondary field plane wave of each candidate secondary source as the prior knowledge for configuration optimization, so as to formulate a wave-domain ANC cost function. The optimization method adopts the simulated annealing search. Taking a rigid-walled rectangular cavity as an example, the optimization method is firstly compared with two space-domain methods by using analytic values of the wave-domain prior knowledge. The comparison results show that the better reduction of spatial acoustic potential energy can be achieved independent of the error sensor configuration information. Then the estimated values of the wave-domain prior knowledge through measuring randomly distributed microphones are used to optimize the configuration of the ANC system. The optimization results suggest that the noise reduction of spatial acoustic potential energy of the optimized configuration can be better than that of the space-domain method, but the microphone positions have a great influence on the noise reduction performance.
Key words: active noise control / secondary source configuration / plane wave decomposition / sound field reconstruction
关键字 : 有源噪声控制 / 次级声源布局 / 平面波分解 / 声场重构
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