Issue |
Volume 39, Number 6, December 2021
Page(s) | 1296 - 1303 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 March 2022 |
Research on Taylor impact fracture behavior of ZrCuAlNiNb amorphous alloy
School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
Southwest Research Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 401331, China
Under argon conditions, the Taylor impact test for ZrCuAlNiNb amorphous alloy with impact velocity range of 78.9-155 m/s was carried out, the failure fracture process of the material was recorded by high-resolution high-speed photography, and the fractured samples after fracture were recovered. The microscopic morphology of the section was observed by scanning electroscope, and the fracture behavior of the material at different impact speeds was analyzed. ZrCuAlNiNb amorphous alloy breaks from a single main shear band under low-speed impact to a multi-shear band break at high speed (≥ 150 m/s), and several secondary shear straps are formed along the axial direction of the sample. Its complex force leads to a variety of fractured forms, and dynamic temperature rise aggravates the thermal softening effect of the material. ZrCuAlNi crystal alloy is transmitted by axial cracks, which cause the crystal alloy to fracture under the interaction of multiple cracks, and the fractured morphology presents a river-like cleavage fracture. The study of the mechanical properties of ZrCuAlNiNb amorphous alloys and their failure behavior provide theoretical guidance and experimental basis for the application of ZrCuAlNiNb amorphous alloys.
在氩气条件下,对ZrCuAlNiNb非晶及其晶体合金进行了撞击速度范围为78.9~155 m/s的Taylor撞击试验研究,利用高分辨率高速摄影对材料的失效断裂过程进行记录,并对失效断裂后的试件进行回收;利用扫描电镜对其断面微观形貌进行观察,分析材料在不同速度撞击下的失效断裂行为。ZrCuAlNiNb非晶合金由低速撞击下的单条主剪切带断裂到高速(≥150 m/s)撞击下的多条剪切带断裂的转变,而且多条沿着试件轴向方向次生剪切带形成;其复杂的受力导致多种断裂形貌,动态温升加剧了材料热软化效应。ZrCuAlNiNb晶体合金撞击靶板产生的裂纹主要沿着轴向扩展,在多条裂纹的相互作用下导致晶体合金失效破碎,断裂形貌呈现河流状的解理断裂形貌。对ZrCuAlNiNb非晶合金的力学性能及其失效行为研究可为推动Zr基非晶合金的工程应用提供理论指导与试验依据。
Key words: impact dynamics / ZrCuAlNiNb amorphous alloy / Taylor impact / fracture morphology
关键字 : 冲击动力学 / ZrCuAlNiNb非晶合金 / Taylor撞击 / 断口形貌
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