Issue |
Volume 39, Number 6, December 2021
Page(s) | 1304 - 1311 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 March 2022 |
Study on magnetic preparation of dual disk based on silica gel magneto-elastic abrasive particles
Magneto-elastic abrasive grains have magnetism, low elastic modulus and excellent abrasive performance, and have the characteristics of bonded abrasive grains and loose abrasive grains. The dual-disk magnetic preparation greatly improves the preparation quality and efficiency. Firstly, the magneto-elastic abrasive particles are introduced into the edge preparation of the dual-disk magnetic tool, and the preparation method of 4035 silica gel magneto-elastic abrasive particles is proposed. According to the microscopic characteristics of the magneto-elastic abrasive particles, the finite element software ABAQUS is used to establish the magneto-elastic abrasive particles. The meso-level representative volume element (RVE) model is built to analyze the stress and strain law of magneto-elastic abrasive particles under tension and compression. Secondly, an experimental platform for magnetic preparation of magneto-elastic abrasive particles with dual disks was built to analyze the force of magneto-elastic abrasive particles. Finally, Through the magnetic preparation experiment of the magneto-elastic abrasive dual-disk magnetic force, the influence of the disk rotation speed, abrasive particle size and relative magnetic permeability on the cutting edge wear is studied. And compared to the magnetic abrasive particles double-disk magnetic and drag finishing method, the magneto-elastic abrasive particle double-disk magnetic preparation method can obtain the maximum edge wear amount and the maximum surface roughness decreasing amplitude. The research results are of great significance to promote the progress of our country's magnetic high-efficiency processing and magneto-finishing processing technology.
Key words: magneto-elastic abrasive / double disk magnetic edge preparation / meso-representative volume units(RVE)
关键字 : 磁弹磨粒 / 双磁盘磁力钝化 / 细观代表性体积单元(RVE)
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