Issue |
Volume 41, Number 1, February 2023
Page(s) | 1 - 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 June 2023 |
Trajectory tracking control of tilt-propulsion UAV vertical take-off and landing mode based on NLESO
School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710072, China
Aiming at the vertical take-off and landing mode of tilt-propulsion UAV with uncertainties such as external environment disturbance and internal parameter perturbation, this paper studies the trajectory tracking control, and proposes an internal and external double loop sliding mode control scheme based on nonlinear extended state observer (NLESO). Firstly, according to the characteristics of tilt-propulsion UAV, the dynamic model of propulsion system, aerodynamic model of fuselage/wing and yaw rudder, and dynamic equation are established in turn to complete the dynamic modeling work. Then, the internal and external uncertainties are regarded as lumped disturbances, and NLESO is designed to estimate them and compensate the control system. Afterwards, based on NLESO and sliding mode control method, the position and attitude double loop controller of VTOL mode is designed. Finally, the Lyapunov function is designed to analyze the stability of NLESO and the whole control system. Simulation results show that the proposed method significantly improves the trajectory tracking response speed and the ability to suppress uncertainties of vertical take-off and landing mode of tilt dynamic UAV.
针对存在复杂不确定性的倾转动力无人机垂直起降模态, 进行轨迹跟踪控制研究, 提出了一种基于非线性扩张状态观测器(NLESO)的内外双环滑模控制方案。基于倾转动力无人机特点, 依次建立其动力系统模型、机体与操纵舵面空气动力模型以及动力学方程, 完成动力学建模工作; 将各种内外部扰动视作集总干扰, 设计NLESO对其进行估计与补偿; 基于NLESO与滑模控制方法设计了垂直起降模态的位置与姿态双环控制器; 设计Lyapunov函数对NLESO以及整个控制系统进行了稳定性分析。仿真实验表明, 文中所提出方法针对复杂扰动具有较强的抑制能力, 显著提升了倾转动力无人机垂直起降模态的轨迹跟踪精度与响应速度。
Key words: tilt-propulsion UAV / vertical take-off and landing mode / extended state observer / sliding mode control / stability analysis / trajectory tracking control
关键字 : 倾转动力无人机 / 垂直起降模态 / 扩张状态观测器 / 滑模控制 / 稳定性分析 / 轨迹跟踪控制
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