Issue |
Volume 41, Number 1, February 2023
Page(s) | 81 - 89 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 June 2023 |
Study on fine-grained mechanism of delay guarantee based on idea of particle access in wireless networks
School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Aiming at the problems existing in the current mechanisms of delay guarantee in wireless networks(i.e. poor scalability, coarse granularity for provided service levels, and improving delay performance at the expense of sacrificing some resource utilization), this paper puts forward both the idea of particle access and the corresponding access mechanism. In this paper, a traffic flow is modeled as a group of information particles that carry a certain amount of information and are valid for certain periods of time. Firstly, the definitions of information particles and the group of information particles are given. It is proved that the minimum reachable access bandwidth of an information particle group can be achieved by using the EDF(earliest deadline first) transmission strategy. Moreover, a fine-grained mechanism of delay guarantee based on the idea of particle access is proposed for the dynamic access environment in wireless networks. Extensive simulations are carried out for the application scenario of downlink transmissions, and it is shown that, in the case of heavy traffic loads, comparing with the rapid growth of the average packet delays and the packet loss rates in a legacy access mechanism, the proposed fine-grained access strategy based on the idea of particle access can also achieve the better performance on the average packet delays and the packet loss rates, and hence higher effective throughput is obtained. The research in this paper pave a new way for further improving quality of service (QoS) mechanisms of wireless networks.
针对目前无线网络中时延保障机制存在的若干问题(即可扩展性差、服务等级粒度粗、以牺牲资源利用率的代价来换取时延性能提升等), 提出了粒子化接入的思想和相应的接入机制。将业务流建模为一群携带了一定信息量并在一定时间内有效的信息粒子, 给出了信息粒子和信息粒子群的定义。给出了满足信息粒子群的时延要求所需的最小可达接入带宽的计算方法。证明了使用EDF(earliest deadline first)策略可以达到最小可达接入带宽。提出了一种在无线网络接入动态环境下, 基于粒子化思想的细粒度延迟保障机制。针对无线网络下行应用场景进行了仿真性能验证。仿真结果表明, 在高业务负载情况下, 相较于传统接入机制中平均时延和丢包率的快速增长, 粒子化接入策略依然能稳定提供较优的时延保障和有效吞吐量。研究成果为后续进一步完善无线网络的服务质量保障机制提供了新的思路。
Key words: wireless networks / access mechanism / particle access / delay guarantee
关键字 : 无线网络 / 接入机制 / 粒子化接入 / 时延保障
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