Issue |
Volume 42, Number 5, October 2024
Page(s) | 809 - 817 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 December 2024 |
Study on ultrasonic-assisted abrasive flow polishing of internal flow channels in additive manufacturing
School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
By studying the movement of ultrasonically assisted abrasives, combined with simulation experiments of abrasive flow in internal flow channels, the study on ultrasonic assisted abrasive flow machining of internal flow channels in additive manufacturing is carried out. Simulations were performed on the channels of AlSi10Mg aluminum alloy printed components, yielding the optimal process parameters for abrasive flow machining: a processing pressure of 10 MPa, abrasive particle size of 270 mesh, and abrasive concentration of 60%. By comparing the surface morphology of the combined straight and curved flow channels before and after applying ultrasonically assisted abrasive flow machining, it was evident that the application of ultrasonic assistance yielded superior removal of surface defects on additive manufacturing parts. However, its ability to remove the spheroidization effect in deeper concave areas is limited. The efficiency of abrasive flow machining and the surface quality of the parts were enhanced with the incorporation of ultrasonic vibration. Under the optimal polishing process parameter combination of an ultrasonic frequency of 20 kHz, a tool head amplitude of 30 μm, and a processing time of 360 s, the surface roughness (Ra) of the straight section reduced to 0.165 5 μm, while the surface roughness (Ra) of the curved section reduced to 0.371 8 μm.
通过研究超声振动磨粒的运动作用, 结合内腔流道磨料流动仿真试验, 开展增材制造零件内腔流道超声辅助磨粒流加工研究。对AlSi10Mg铝合金打印成型的流道进行仿真, 计算出其磨粒流加工的最优工艺参数为加工压力10 MPa、磨粒270目、磨料浓度60%。对比施加与不施加超声辅助磨粒流加工后直弯组合流道内腔表面形貌, 发现施加超声振动可更好地去除增材制造零件的表面缺陷, 但对于深度较大的凹陷处球化效应去除有限。施加超声辅助后磨粒流加工效率和零件表面质量得到提高, 在超声波频率20 kHz、工具头振幅30 μm、加工时间360 s的最佳工艺参数组合下, 直管段表面粗糙度Ra降至0.165 5 μm, 弯管段表面粗糙度Ra降至0.371 8 μm。
Key words: abrasive flow machining / ultrasonic vibration / additive manufacturing / surface quality
关键字 : 磨粒流加工 / 超声振动 / 增材制造 / 表面质量
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