Issue |
Volume 42, Number 5, October 2024
Page(s) | 891 - 894 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 December 2024 |
Directed infrared emissions of two designed metasurfaces with ceramic arrays
Shenyang Aero Engine Research Institute, Shenyang 110044, China
Shaanxi Huaqin Technology Industry Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710119, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Two metasurfaces of ceramic arrays (A and B) were designed and the 11 μm infrared emission behaviors of them were studied. Both metasurfaces show obvious directed IR emissions. For array A, the radius of inner cylinder R1 and thickness t1 of the ceramics dominate the directional behavior of the IR emissions. The optimized structural parameters are R1=1.0 μm and t1≥1.2 μm with an effective IR emission angle θ in 0°~50 ° and emissivity ε≥0.7 achieved. For array B with Rc=1.05 μm, R1=0.1 μm, t1=0.85 μm, the IR emission is mainly constrained in θ>10°, and an obvious ϕ dependence is observed as θ>40°. The IR emission is higher at ϕ=45° or 135°(±45°) as θ>10° with ε=0.4 at θ=65°. The IR emission is affected by the thickness t1 obviously, with an effective thickness 0.3 μm≤t1≤1.7 μm at Rc=1.0 μm, R1=0.3 μm, and ϕ=0°. For array B with the optimized t1=1.2 μm (ϕ=0°), the IR emission is directed at θ~40° with the emissivity 0.7.
设计了2种陶瓷阵列超结构表面(A, B), 并研究了该超结构表面的11 μm红外辐射空间特征。二者均具有明显的定向辐射特征, 对于阵列A, 圆柱芯半径R1与阵列厚度t1对红外辐射定向特性影响明显, 最优的定向结构参数: 圆柱芯半径R1=1.0 μm, 阵列层厚度t1≥1.2 μm, 可实现辐射角度0°~50°, 发射率ε≥0.7的有效定向红外辐射调控。对于阵列B, 当Rc=1.05 μm, R1=0.1 μm, t1=0.85 μm时, 体系辐射集中在法向角θ>10°区域, 并在θ>40°后呈现出明显的ϕ角度依赖性, 当ϕ=45°或135°(±45°)时, 体系红外辐射明显增强, θ=65°, ϕ=45°时, ε在0.4量级。阵列层厚度t1对体系定向红外辐射有明显影响, 在Rc=1.0 μm, R1=0.3 μm, ϕ=0°时, 高效定向辐射的有效阵列层厚度为0.3 μm≤t1≤1.7 μm, 其最优值为t1=1.2 μm, ϕ=0°时的特征辐射法向角为40°, 发射率为0.7。
Key words: metasurface / directed IR emissions / infrared emissivity
关键字 : 超结构表面 / 定向红外辐射 / 红外发射率
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