Issue |
Volume 42, Number 5, October 2024
Page(s) | 895 - 902 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 December 2024 |
A WLAN-oriented distributed hierarchical parallel simulation method
School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
To solve the problem that the efficiency decreases with the increase of terminal nodes in wireless local area network(WLAN) distributed parallel simulation, a WLAN-oriented distributed hierarchical parallel simulation method is proposed. Firstly, considering the WLAN star network topology, the process of the simulated access point (AP) is denoted as the main process, which is responsible for time synchronization with the other processes of the simulated station (STA) nodes in the WLAN network. Secondly, the processes of all simulated STAs are then evenly divided into groups, and the group leader is responsible for the synchronization of processes within the group. Then, after the main process broadcasts the simulation start event, the group leader process firstly collects the end message of the group member's terminal node, and then reports to the main process. A three-layer hierarchical structure is constructed, consisting of the main process layer, the group leader process layer and the group member process layer. Finally, the time gain factor of the hierarchical simulation method is analyzed and obtained in closed-form expression, under the different computational loads. Simulation results show that comparing to the existing non-hierarchical simulation method, when the average computational load is 1.2x time unit and the nodes number is 100, the gain of the proposed method can reach 50%.
针对采用分布式并行方法仿真WLAN(wireless local area network)场景时存在的随终端节点个数增加而效率降低的问题, 提出了一种面向WLAN的分布式分层并行仿真方法。基于WLAN的星状网络拓扑结构, 令仿真接入节点的进程为主进程, 负责WLAN全网中其他仿真节点的时间同步; 将所有仿真终端节点的进程均匀分为若干组, 由组长负责该组内进程的同步。在主进程广播仿真开始事件后, 组长进程先收集本组组员终端节点推进结束消息, 当收齐后再向主进程汇报。形成"主进程-组长进程-组员进程"的3层分层结构。在不同计算负荷下, 仿真分析并得到了分层仿真方法的时间增益因子闭合表达式。仿真结果表明, 与现有不分层的仿真方法相比, 当平均计算负荷为1.2倍单位时长、节点个数为100时, 所提分层仿真方法的增益可达50%。
Key words: WLAN / hierarchical algorithm / parallel simulation
关键字 : WLAN / 分层算法 / 并行仿真
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