Issue |
Volume 42, Number 5, October 2024
Page(s) | 903 - 911 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 December 2024 |
Hybrid beamforming for ISAC based on mmWave cell-free MIMO
Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650031, China
Aiming at the scarcity of communication spectrum resources and the advantages of cell-free MIMO in resource utilization, a millimeter-wave cell-free MIMO-ISAC system is proposed. In this system, while the base station provides services for users, the multi-antenna user equipment can actively detect multiple targets. The research goal is to design analog and digital beamformers to optimize the weighted sum of communication and radar beamforming errors. Two kinds of power constraints are considered in the study, and the improved orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm and the Riemann conjugate gradient algorithm are used for optimization. Through the simulation analysis of the communication spectrum efficiency and the radar beam pattern, the results show that the hybrid beam scheme can achieve a compromise performance in terms of spectrum utilization and beam pointing, and this scheme has potential application prospects for improving system performance.
针对通信频谱资源的匮乏以及去蜂窝MIMO在资源利用方面的优势, 提出了一种毫米波(millimeter-wave, mmWave)场景下的去蜂窝MIMO通感一体化(intergraded sensing and communication, ISAC)系统。在该系统中, 基站为用户提供服务的同时, 多天线用户设备能够主动检测多个目标。研究目标是设计模拟和数字波束形成器, 以优化通信和雷达波束形成误差的加权和。研究中考虑了2种功率约束, 并采用改进的正交匹配追踪算法和黎曼共轭梯度算法进行优化。对通信频谱效率和雷达波束方向图进行仿真分析, 结果表明, 混合波束方案能在频谱利用和波束指向方面实现折中的性能, 这种方案对于提高系统性能具有潜在的应用前景。
Key words: mmWave / integrated sensing and communication(ISAC) / hybrid beamforming / cell-free MIMO
关键字 : 毫米波 / 通感一体化 / 混合波束赋形 / 去蜂窝MIMO
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