Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1047 - 1056 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Autonomous decision-making method for ship maneuvering in complex waters of estuarine multi-class ships routeing system
School of Navigation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China
Hubei Key Laboratory of Inland Shipping Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China
State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China
In order to solve the autonomous decision-making for ship manoeuvring in complex waters of estuarine multi-class ships routeing system, key scientific issues such as digital environment, navigation rule integration, ship manoeuvrability constraints, and collision avoidance mechanism under special waters were investigated by taking the waters from the mouth of Liu River to the North Trough as an example. The requirements of analytical rules were summarized and quantified in the digital traffic environment. The collision avoidance mechanism under the constraints of ship behavioural characteristics in such waters was explored by combining the control and process prediction methods with nonlinear ship manoeuvring characteristics. Then, a feasible heading speed finding method was established, and a ship manoeuvring autonomy decision-making method under the constraints of multifactors that can dynamically adapt to the system's residual error and the target ship's random motion was proposed. Under the preset scenarios, the ship can pass safely at 0, 38, 1 184, 1 537, 2 166, 3 678, 3 808 s by altering course 4° to starboard side, decelerating, altering course 5° to starboard and decelerating, decelerating, altering course 3° to port side accelerating, altering course 3° to starboard and decelerating, decelerating, respectively. The experiments show that the present method can safely avoid the collision in the complex environment and track the course in time.
为解决河口多定线制复杂水域船舶操纵自主决策问题, 以浏河口至北槽水域为例, 围绕数字化环境、航行规则融入、船舶操纵性限制和特殊水域下的避碰机理等关键科学问题进行了研究。在数字化交通环境中, 归纳和量化解析规则要求, 结合非线性船舶操纵特性下的控制和过程预测方法探究该类水域船舶行为特征约束下的避碰机理, 建立可行航向航速求取方法, 提出了一种能动态自适应系统剩余误差和目标船随机运动的多因素约束下的操纵自主决策方法。在预设场景下, 船舶在0, 38, 1 184, 1 537, 2 166, 3 678, 3 808 s右转4°、减速、右转5°并减速、减速、左转3°加速、右转3°并减速、减速可安全通过。实验表明, 提出的方法能在复杂环境中安全避让, 并及时跟踪航线。
Key words: estuarine multi-class ships routeing system / digital traffic environment / collision avoidance mechanism / autonomous decision-making / ship track keeping
关键字 : 河口多定线制水域 / 数字化交通环境 / 避碰机理 / 船舶操纵自主决策 / 航线跟踪
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