Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1057 - 1062 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
The influence of heating sequence on deformation of steel plate in induction heating process
School of Naval Architecture, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Dalian Key Laboratory of Advanced Shipbuilding Technology, Dalian 116024, China
The line heating formation of a complex curved plate needs multiple heating lines. Heating sequence is an important factor of influence on the formation to obtain the curved surface plate of a particular shape. The paper uses the elastic-plastic inherent strain finite element model to study the overall deformation of a steel plate in different heating sequences. Meanwhile, it carries out experiments on the induction heating of two roll bending plates with multiple heating lines, using the heating sequence as the only variable. The difference in height between the calculation value and measurement value of the two plates meets the engineering application requirements. The elastic-plastic inherent strain finite element model can be used to calculate the deformation of the steel plate in different heating sequences. The three-dimensional surface location and hypothesis test analysis of data on difference between two steel plates show that the heating sequence of multiple heating lines has a significant effect on steel plate deformation.
复杂曲面板的水火弯板成形需要多条加热线, 加热顺序是成形特定形状曲面板的重要影响因素。采用弹塑性固有应变有限元模型研究钢板在不同加热顺序下的整体变形, 同时以加热顺序为唯一变量, 对2张辊弯板进行多加热线感应加热实验, 2张板的计算值与测量值之间的高度差符合工程应用要求。弹塑性固有应变有限元模型可用于计算钢板在不同加热顺序下的变形。对2张钢板进行三维曲面定位和偏差数据的假设检验, 分析表明多条加热线的加热顺序对钢板变形有显著影响。
Key words: line heating / induction heating / heating sequence / elastic-plastic inherent strain method / surface localization
关键字 : 水火弯板 / 感应加热 / 加热顺序 / 弹塑性固有应变法 / 曲面定位
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