Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1063 - 1070 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Study on the microstructures of SLM IN718 based on solidification model
State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Suzhou Yunjing Metal Technology Co., Ltd, Suzhou 215024, China
During the selective laser melting(SLM) process of IN718, different process parameters have a significant impact on its microstructure. To analyze the interrelationship between process parameters and microstructure, in this study, the relationship between primary dendrite arm spacing(PDAS) and process parameters was established through a solidification model, and the accuracy of the model was verified through experiments. Both the calculation results and the experimental results show that when the laser power increases, PDAS increases accordingly; while as the scanning speed and hatch distance increase, PDAS decreases accordingly; and from the bottom to the top of the molten pool, PDAS gradually increases. At the same time, the top of the molten pool is more sensitive to the change of process parameters, while the middle and bottom are relatively insensitive. These research results are of certain guiding significance for the microstructure regulation of IN718.
IN718合金在选区激光熔化(selective laser melting, SLM)过程中, 不同的工艺参数会对其微观组织产生显著影响。为分析工艺参数和微观组织的相互关系, 通过凝固模型建立了一次枝晶间距(primary dendrite arm spacing, PDAS)与工艺参数之间的关系并通过实验验证了模型的准确性。计算结果与实验结果均表明: 当激光功率提高时, PDAS随之增加; 而扫描速度与扫描间距增加时, PDAS随之减小; 从熔池底部至顶部, PDAS呈逐渐增加的趋势, 同时熔池顶部对工艺参数的变化较为敏感, 而中部与底部相对迟钝。研究结果对IN718合金的微观组织调控具有一定的指导意义。
Key words: IN718 / process parameter / PDAS / solidification model
关键字 : IN718 / 工艺参数 / PDAS / 凝固模型
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