Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1071 - 1077 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Study on hot deformation behavior of 9Cr18Mo stainles bearing steel
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
The microstructure evolution and hot deformation behavior of 9Cr18Mo stainless bearing steel were studied with the hot compression test at the temperature ranging from 1 223 to 1 423 and strain rates from 0.01 to 10 s-1. The results indicate that the 9Cr18Mo stainless steel shows strong positive strain rate sensitivity and negative temperature sensitivity. The softening mechanism is dynamic recrystallization and dynamic recovery mechanism. A constitutive equation with the strain compensation considered was developed and the prediction value is in good agreement with the experimental value. The processing map of 9Cr18Mo stainless steel was established with the Murty criteria. Combined with microstructure analysis, the optimal hot processing parameter range is between 1 050 ℃ and 1 120 ℃ and the strain rate is between 0.1 and 1 s-1. The composition distribution of the microstructure of 9Cr18Mo stainless steel was analyzed with the EDS. In combination with the calculation results of the JMAPTPRO software, it was determined that the coarse banded carbides were not dissolved in the matrix at high temperature were composed of M7C3 carbide and M23C6 carbide.
利用热压缩试验研究了9Cr18Mo不锈轴承钢在变形温度为950~1 150 ℃、应变速率为0.01~10 s-1条件下的显微组织演化和热变形行为。结果表明: 9Cr18Mo不锈钢表现出较强的正应变速率敏感性和负温度敏感性, 软化机制为动态再结晶和动态回复机制。建立了应变补偿型Arrhenius本构方程, 计算值与试验值吻合。基于Murty准则建立了9Cr18Mo不锈钢的热加工图, 结合显微组织分析, 确定了9Cr18Mo不锈钢的最佳加工参数为: 变形温度为1 050~1 120 ℃、应变速率为0.1~1 s-1。采用EDS分析了9Cr18Mo不锈钢显微组织的成分分布, 结合JMAPTPRO软件计算结果, 确定了高温下未溶于基体的粗大带状碳化物由M7C3型碳化物和M23C6型碳化物组成。
Key words: 9Cr18Mo stainless steel / constitutive equation / EDS / hot processing map
关键字 : 9Cr18Mo不锈钢 / 本构方程 / 热加工图 / EDS分析
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