Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1039 - 1046 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Underwater acoustic target recognition under working conditions mismatch
School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
The working conditions of the ship will have a great impact on the radiated noise of the ship. Even if the same ship is traveling in the same sea area, different working conditions will produce different radiated noise, thus affecting the accuracy of target recognition. Especially in the case of working condition mismatch, the correct rate of the recognition results will be greatly reduced. To address this problem, an intelligent underwater acoustic target recognition method based on knowledge distillation is proposed to improve the recognition accuracy. Auditory features are used as inputs to the system, and knowledge distillation is utilized to learn the intrinsic connection of target features under different working conditions. The teacher network, trained from a large amount of existing working condition data, is used to assist the student network (trained from a small amount of working condition data) to solve the working condition mismatch problem under different conditions. Tests were conducted using ship radiated noise datasets under four working conditions. The results show that the proposed method outperforms the other methods in all kinds of working condition mismatch problems, which demonstrates its intelligence and practicality in engineering problems.
舰船的运行工况会对舰船辐射噪声产生很大影响, 即使同一艘船行驶在同一片海域, 不同的运行工况也会产生不同的辐射噪声, 从而影响目标识别的准确性。特别是在工况失配的情况下, 识别结果的正确率会大大降低。针对这一问题, 提出了基于知识蒸馏的智能水下声学目标识别方法, 以提高识别精度。使用听觉特征作为系统的输入, 利用知识蒸馏学习不同工况条件下目标特征的内在联系。教师网络由大量现有工况数据训练而成, 用于辅助学生网络(由少量工况数据训练而成)解决不同情况下的工况失配问题。测试使用了4种不同工况下的船舶辐射噪声数据集。结果表明, 所提出的方法在各种工况失配问题上的表现都优于其他方法, 这也体现了其在工程问题上的智能性和实用性。
Key words: ship radiated noise / knowledge distillation / underwater acoustic target recognition / working condition mismatch
关键字 : 舰船辐射噪声 / 知识蒸馏 / 水声目标识别 / 工况失配
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