Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1119 - 1125 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Novel static calculation approach for reciprocal structures assembled by Archimedes paving curved rods
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
School of Management, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
Faculty of Social Science and Law, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8, UK
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
In order to more efficiently solve the internal forces and deformations of the curved rod reciprocal structures transformed from the Archimedes paving, the reference point is defined on the curved rod element in this paper. On the basic of the static equilibrium relationship between the forces at the reciprocal articulated joints and the generalized nodal loads at the reference point, the static equilibrium equation of the curved rod reciprocal structure is established. By solving the equilibrium equation, the nodal forces of the curved rod reciprocal structure can be obtained. Furthermore, the internal forces and deformations of the reciprocal curved rod in the cylindrical coordinate system are derived by coordinate transformations. Finally, a quadrilateral curved rod reciprocal frame and a curved rod reciprocal structure transformed from the 63 type of Archimedes paving are studied respectively by proposed method and finite element method with ANSYS software. Results shows that the error rate of the nodal forces and nodal displacements between the numerical simulation and the theoretical calculation is less than 5%. The proposed method is not only reliable in static forces calculation, but also simplicity and efficiency in solution process.
为了更加高效地求解阿基米德铺砌曲杆互承结构的内力和变形, 在曲杆单元上定义基准点, 根据互承节点连接力和基准点广义节点荷载之间的平衡关系, 建立了曲杆互承结构静力平衡方程, 求解平衡方程, 即可得到曲杆互承结构的节点连接力; 通过坐标变换, 推导了互承曲杆在柱面坐标系下的内力和变形表达式。采用文中方法对四边形曲杆互承结构和阿基米德63型曲杆互承结构进行算例分析, 并与ANSYS软件有限元分析结果进行对比验证, 结果表明: 2种方法所得节点连接力和节点位移误差在5%以内, 文中方法不仅计算结果正确可靠, 而且计算过程更加简洁高效。
Key words: curved rod reciprocal structure / Archimedes paving / static calculation / cylindrical coordinate system / finite element analysis(FEA)
关键字 : 曲杆互承结构 / 阿基米德铺砌 / 静力计算 / 柱面坐标系 / 有限元分析(FEA)
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