Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 979 - 986 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Extreme thermal load generation method for high-temperature structures in atmospheric environment
National Key Laboratory of Strength and Structural Integrity, Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China, Xi'an 710065, China
School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
For addressing the severe aerodynamic thermal load simulation challenge of hypersonic aircraft in ground tests, an extreme thermal load generation method based graphite for high-temperature structures in atmospheric environment is proposed. Firstly, a thermal stress relief design method of graphite heating elements has been developed to ensure the integrity of graphite heating elements during high-power heating. Secondly, a method of creating closed transparent environment for graphite heating elements has been developed, with double-layer gas film cooling, which avoids severe oxidation of graphite heating elements in contact with oxygen at high temperatures and achieves the application of large heat flux loads in the atmospheric environment. Finally, a modular graphite ultra-high temperature heating device was developed based on the above method, and heating capacity tests were conducted on C/SiC test pieces in atmospheric environment. The research shows that the modular graphite ultra-high temperature heating device has the ultra-high temperature heating ability in atmospheric environments, with maximum radiation heat flux of 1.38 MW/m2, hot surface temperature of around 1 800 ℃, and the temperature rise rate can reach 40.3 ℃/s, providing technical conditions for the thermal test of hypersonic aircraft structure.
针对高超声速飞行器在地面试验中的严酷气动热载荷模拟难题, 提出了一种基于石墨的大气环境下高温结构极端热载荷生成方法。形成了一种石墨加热元件热应力减缓设计方法, 确保了大功率加热时的石墨加热元件完整性; 构建了一种基于双层气膜冷却的石墨封闭透波工作环境营造方法, 避免了石墨加热元件在高温下接触氧气从而发生剧烈氧化, 实现了大气环境中大热流载荷施加; 基于前述方法研制了模块化石墨超高温加热装置, 并针对C/SiC试验件开展了大气环境下加热能力试验测试。研究表明, 超高温石墨加热装置具备大气环境中超高温加热能力, 最大辐射热流达到了1.38 MW/m2, 试验件热面温度达到了1 800 ℃级, 升温速率达到了40.3 ℃/s, 为高超声速飞行器结构热试验提供了技术条件。
Key words: thermal test / atmospheric environment / thermal load generation / graphite heating / rapid heating
关键字 : 热试验 / 大气环境 / 热载荷生成 / 石墨加热 / 快速升温
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