Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 987 - 995 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Numerical study of ice crystal movement and melting in rotating blade channels
School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
The motion and melting characteristics of ice crystals in the rotating blade channel are investigated. Firstly, the method of calculating local collection coefficient is proposed for rotating parts. Secondly, the numerical simulation of ice crystal movement and melting in the rotating blade channel is carried out to analyze the influence of ice crystal geometry parameters and working condition changes on the ice crystal impact location and ice crystal melting rate. The results show: ① the collection coefficient of ice crystal at the leading edge of the blade is the highest, the trailing edge of the pressure surface is also the area where the ice crystal may impact, while the root of the blade is less affected by centrifugal force; ② the larger the ice crystal content, the larger the collection rate of ice crystal at the same position on the blade surface; the larger the ice crystal diameter, the larger the collection rate of ice crystal at the suction surface, the smaller the collection rate of ice crystal at the pressure surface; the higher the non-spherical degree of ice crystal, the more likely the ice crystal will impact on the pressure surface; the higher the non-sphericity of ice crystals, the easier it is for the ice crystals to impact on the pressure surface; when the rotational speed decreases, the ice crystals are more likely to impact on the suction surface, and the impact area is also larger and closer to the blade root; ③ The melting ice crystals impacting on the pressure surface are more widely distributed, and the pressure surface is more prone to ice crystal adhesion and freezing than the suction surface; while, there are also melted ice crystals on the suction surface near the trailing edge, where ice crystals may also adhere; the larger the ice crystal content, the larger the diameter, the larger the non-sphericity, and when the rotational speed increases, the melting rate of ice crystals decreases.
采用欧拉-拉格朗日法对旋转叶片通道内冰晶的运动和融化特性开展了研究。针对旋转部件提出了局部收集系数的计算方法; 对旋转叶片通道内冰晶的运动和融化进行了数值模拟, 分析了冰晶几何参数和工况变化对冰晶撞击位置和冰晶融化率的影响。计算结果表明: ①叶片前缘冰晶的收集系数最高, 压力面的尾缘附近也是冰晶可能撞击的区域, 而叶片根部受离心力的影响冰晶撞击较少; ②冰晶含量越大, 叶片表面相同位置处冰晶的收集率越大; 冰晶直径越大, 在吸力面冰晶的收集率越大, 在压力面冰晶的收集率越小; 冰晶的非球形度越高, 冰晶越容易撞击在压力面上; 叶片转速降低时, 冰晶更容易撞击在吸力面上, 撞击的区域也更大更接近叶根; ③撞击在压力面上的融化冰晶分布较广, 压力面比吸力面更容易发生冰晶粘附与冻结; 吸力面上接近尾缘处融化的冰晶较多, 此处也可能粘附冰晶; 冰晶含量越大、直径越大、非球形度越大、叶片转速增加时, 冰晶的融化率都有所减小。
Key words: engine / ice crystals collection coefficient / ice crystal melting ratio / rotating components / numerical simulation
关键字 : 发动机 / 冰晶收集系数 / 冰晶融化率 / 旋转部件 / 数值模拟
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