Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 996 - 1004 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
A fault tolerant control for iced aircraft based on fixed-time incremental dynamic inversion with FTESO
School of Civil Aviation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Icing seriously affects the aerodynamic coefficients and flight performance of an aircraft. To address this problem, in this paper a fixed-time incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion(INDI) control method based on a fixed-time dilated state observer(FTESO) is proposed, and a flight controller for a certain type of transport aircraft is designed based on this method, which is used to enhance the flight control capability under icing conditions, and thus improve the flight safety. In this designed controller, the FTESO is used to estimate the disturbance in the angular acceleration signal, which solves the problem that the robustness of the existing INDI control depends on the accuracy of the angular acceleration. Moreover, the control method can ensure that the aircraft state errors converge to a stable region in a fixed time, and the convergence time does not depend on initial errors. Simulation results show that the designed controller is able to overcome the effect of icing on the aircraft and ensure that the aircraft achieves the desired flight performance even in angular acceleration disturbances.
结冰严重影响飞机的飞行性能。针对此问题, 提出一种基于扩张状态观测器的固定时间增量动态逆的容冰飞行控制方法, 并基于此方法设计某型运输机的飞行控制律, 用于增强结冰工况下的飞行控制能力, 保障飞行安全。所设计的控制器中, 扩张状态观测器用于估计角加速度信号中的干扰, 解决现有增量动态逆控制中鲁棒性依赖角加速度准确性的问题。重要的是, 该控制方法能够在固定时间内保证飞机状态误差收敛至稳定区域, 并且收敛时间不依赖于误差初值。仿真结果表明所设计的控制器能够克服结冰对飞机的影响, 并且在角加速度干扰下保证飞机达到期望的飞行性能, 提高运输机在结冰工况下的安全飞行能力。
Key words: iced aircraft / improved incremental dynamic inversion control / extended stated observer / fixed-time fault tolerant control
关键字 : 结冰飞机 / 改进增量动态逆控制 / 扩张状态观测器 / 固定时间容冰控制
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