Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1005 - 1010 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Topology optimization design of wing rib based on bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method
School of Mechatronic Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi’an 710021, China
Key Laboratory for UAV Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
As an important part of the solar UAV, the weight of the wing occupies the majority of the proportion of the overall structure. However, the solar UAV has very strict requirements on the weight of its own structure. The topological optimization of the wing fin structure can be usually carried out to meet the structural strength and reduce the quality of the wing structure as much as possible, which is of great significance for improving the overall performance of the UAV. Taking the wing of a solar UAV with high aspect ratio as the research object, based on the objective function of the minimum strain energy of the whole wing and the volume fraction of the wing fin, the topology optimization design of the wing fin was carried out by using the bidirectional progressive structure optimization method. The internal materials of the wing fin were added or deleted reasonably according to the element stress, and the optimized wing fin was redesigned. Finally, the overall weight of the wing was reduced by 29.7%. The results show that this method can obtain the optimal configuration of the wing fin, effectively improve the utilization rate of materials, and greatly reduce the weight of the wing structure, which provides a certain reference for the lightweight research of solar UAV.
太阳能无人机对自身结构质量的要求极为苛刻, 而机翼作为太阳能无人机的重要组成部分, 其质量占据了整体结构的绝大部分比重。因此, 通常可对机翼结构进行优化设计, 在满足结构强度的同时尽可能最大限度地降低机翼结构质量, 进而提高无人机的整体性能。以某大展弦比的太阳能无人机机翼为研究对象, 利用双向渐进结构优化法, 以机翼整体最小应变能为目标函数、翼肋体积分数为约束, 对翼肋进行拓扑优化设计, 根据单元应力大小对翼肋内部材料进行合理增删, 并将优化后的翼肋进行重新设计, 最终机翼整体质量下降了29.7%。结果表明: 应用文中方法可以得到翼肋的最佳构型, 有效提高了材料利用率, 并且机翼结构质量大大降低, 为太阳能无人机的轻量化研究提供了一定参考。
Key words: wing structure / solar UAV / bi-directional evolutionary structure optimization method / topology optimization / wing rib relief hole
关键字 : 机翼结构 / 太阳能无人机 / 双向渐进结构优化法 / 拓扑优化 / 翼肋减轻孔
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