Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1011 - 1020 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Reliability analysis of landing gear operation based on improved support vector machine-based decomposed-coordinated
The First Aircraft Research Institute of AVIC, Xi’an 710089, China
School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
An improved support vector machine-based decomposed-coordinated (ISVM-DC) is proposed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of landing gear operation reliability analysis. The decomposition and coordination strategy decompose the composite failure problem into multiple mathematical models, and then builds the relationship between the total output response and the variable parameters according to the hierarchical relationship. The improved support vector machine aims to optimize the performance of the limit state function in each sub-mathematical model by applying multi-stage adaptive point position control of hyperparameters. Taking the wheel brake temperature difference of main landing gear as an example, the verification of the proposed method in reliability modelling and simulation is carried out. The case results show that the proposed ISVM-DC can accurately decompose and coordinate the architecture of landing gear operational failure, and efficiently construct and solve the reliability performance function.
为了提高起落架运行可靠性分析的精度和效率, 提出基于分解协调策略的改进支持向量机(improved support vector machine-based decomposed-coordinated, ISVM-DC)。分解协调策略将复合失效问题分解为多个子数学模型, 进而依据层次组合关系构建总输出响应与各变量参数之间的关系。改进支持向量机旨在通过超参数多阶段点位适应性控制, 实现各子数学模型中极限状态函数的性能最优化。结合故障逻辑图和机载快速储存记录数据(quick access recorder, QAR), 以主起落架机轮刹车温度差异为案例, 开展方法在可靠性建模和模拟中的有效性验证。案例结果表明, 所提出的ISVM-DC可准确分解和协调起落架机轮刹车温度架构, 高效构建和求解可靠性性能函数。
Key words: landing gear / operational reliability / decomposed-coordinated / parameter optimization / support vector machine
关键字 : 起落架 / 运行可靠性 / 分解协调 / 参数优化 / 支持向量机
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