Issue |
Volume 38, Number 1, February 2020
Page(s) | 183 - 190 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 May 2020 |
Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning of Space Redundant Manipulator Based on a Collision Detection Algorithm
School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics, Xi'an 710072, China
This paper focuses on the path planning of free-floating space redundant manipulator in an environment with obstacles. Firstly, based on the idea of spherical bounding volume and spatial superposition, the spatial occupying relationship between obstacles and manipulators is described in a simpler way. Then the relative position relationship between straight line segment and sphere is used to judge whether a collision between the manipulator and the obstacle. With the principle of forward kinematics, we use the joint parameterization method to transform the path planning problem into a parameter optimization problem with constraints. In this optimization problem, the objective function is a weighted optimization objective function, which includes two terms, the first term describes the base attitude disturbance and the second one is established according to the requirement of avoidance collision. The motion trajectories of the manipulator joints can be obtained by solving the optimization problem using the particle swarm optimization algorithm. We choose a 7-DOF space redundant manipulator for simulation study, and simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method, there is no collision between the manipulator and obstacles, and there is no disturbance on the base attitude. What's more, the trajectory of the joint is smooth, which can make the end-effector reach the desired pose with a high accuracy.
Key words: space redundant manipulator / collision detection algorithm / obstacle avoidance path planning / particle swarm optimization / spherical bounding volume / spatial superposition / simulation / motion trajectory
关键字 : 空间冗余机械臂 / 碰撞检测算法 / 避障路径规划 / 粒子群优化算法 / 球形包围盒 / 空间叠加 / 数值仿真 / 运动规划
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