Issue |
Volume 40, Number 6, December 2022
Page(s) | 1360 - 1365 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 February 2023 |
A high or low temperature compensation bandgap reference voltage with pre-regulated voltage circuit
Xi'an Microelectronic Technology Institute, Xi'an 710071, China
分析了带隙基准电压分段补偿技术与基本原理, 提出一种具有预稳压功能的高低温补偿带隙基准电路。应用高低温补偿电路优化了温度系数, 设置预稳压电路提高了带隙基准电路的电源抑制比。基于0.35 μm标准CMOS工艺设计并绘制了电路及版图。仿真结果表明, 在-55~125℃范围内, 温漂系数仅为1.8×10-6/℃; 电源抑制比为-84.6 dB(在1 kHz下); 在2.6~5 V的电源幅度范围下, 电源抑制性能为19.6 μV/V。该电路可应用于高精度系统设计中。
The paper analyzes the principles of piecewise compensation technology and then proposes a high or low temperature compensation bandgap reference circuit that has pre-regulated voltage. The high or low temperature compensation circuit is utilized to optimize the power supply rejection ratio and the temperature drift coefficient. The standard 0.35 μm CMOS process is used to design the circuit and its layout. The simulation results show that the temperature drift coefficient is 1.8×10-6/℃ in the range from -55 to 125℃, that the power supply rejection ratio is -84.6 dB at 1 kHz and that the power supply rejection performance is only 19.6 μV/V.
Key words: piecewise compensation / pre-regulated voltage circuit / bandgap reference / temperature drift
关键字 : 分段补偿 / 预稳压电路 / 带隙基准 / 低温漂
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