Issue |
Volume 41, Number 2, April 2023
Page(s) | 241 - 252 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 June 2023 |
Multi-point aero-structural design optimization of wings considering drag-divergence constraints
School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Unmanned System Research Institute, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Considering the drag-divergence performance as a constraint, this paper presents a multi-point aero-structural design optimization of wings on a wing-body-tail-engine configuration of long-range dual-aisle civil aircraft by using a gradient-based method based on the discrete adjoint method. Firstly, the accuracy of the coupled aero-structural analysis method used in this paper was validated with DLR-F6 wing-body configuration. Then a wing aero-structural design optimization based on a dual-aisle civil aircraft is offered. The drag coefficient of the optimized configuration in every state decreased, which was reduced by 13.67 counts at the cruise condition, the difference in drag coefficient from Mach 0.85 to Mach 0.87 was decreased from 28.52 counts to 18.98 counts, indicating its drag-divergence performance has been improved undoubtedly. Finally, we compared the performance among the multi-point aero-structural optimized configuration, the single-point aerodynamic optimized configuration and the single-point structural optimized configuration. The results show that the multi-point aero-structural design optimization considering drag-divergence performance has great potential to gain a design configuration with better comprehensive and practical performance compared with a single-point optimization in a single discipline.
以阻力发散性能为约束, 使用基于离散伴随的梯度类优化设计方法对某远程宽体客机机翼/机身/平垂尾/发动机构型进行了气动/结构的机翼多点精细化设计。使用DLR-F6翼身组合体构型对建立的气动/结构耦合数值求解方法进行了验证。对某远程宽体客机构型进行了气动/结构机翼优化设计。优化结果各设计状态的阻力系数均有所减小, 巡航状态阻力系数减小13.67 counts, Ma为0.87的设计状态较Ma为0.85的设计状态阻力系数差量由28.52 counts减至18.98 counts, 阻力发散性能得到明显改善。将气动/结构多点优化结果与气动学科巡航单点优化结果和结构学科巡航单点优化结果进行了对比。结果表明: 相较于单学科单点设计问题, 考虑阻力发散特性的气动/结构多点优化设计可以充分挖掘构型设计潜力, 得到综合性能更好、工程实用性更强的设计结果。
Key words: large civil aircraft / drag-divergence / aero-structural design optimization / discrete adjoint method / gradient-based optimization
关键字 : 大型民用客机 / 阻力发散 / 气动/结构优化设计 / 离散伴随方法 / 梯度优化
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