Issue |
Volume 42, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 1089 - 1098 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 February 2025 |
Study on construction and identification of dynamic model of precooler in aviation bleed air system
School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Research and Design Institute, AVIC Xinxiang Aviation Industry (Group) Company Limited, Xinxiang 453049, China
The bleed air from the aircraft engine, serving as the hot-end gas, is pre-cooled through the bleed air system, and subsequently used for cabin temperature regulation and wing anti-freezing. To implement digital intelligent control and enhance the aircraft bleed air system's performance, the identification of dynamic parameters in the system's precooler model is studied. The finite element method was used to establish the partial differential equation of the heat exchange mechanism, and the heat exchange mechanism of the precooler was analyzed. By establishing the partial differential equations of the heat side, cold side, and partition of the precooler, the influencing factors of the heat exchange performance were analyzed. Finally, by identifying the time constants of the precooler under 36 working conditions, a 36-point orthogonal experiment was constructed to fit the time constant of the precooler, which was then compared with the actual measured results. This verified the fitting accuracy and realism of the dynamic model, which can be used for simulation experiments and controller design.
飞机发动机引气作为热端气体, 经引气系统预冷后, 用于座舱温度调节及机翼防冰。为了实现数字化智能控制, 建立精准的预冷器控制模型, 从而提高飞机引气系统的温度控制精度、响应速度和稳定性。重点研究了飞机引气系统中的预冷器动态模型参数辨识, 利用有限元法建立了预冷器换热过程偏微分方程, 分析了预冷器的换热机理。通过建立预冷器热端、冷边及间壁偏微分方程分析了预冷器换热性能的影响因素。通过辨识36组工况下的预冷器时间常数, 搭建36点正交实验, 从而拟合预冷器时间常数, 并与实测结果进行了对比, 验证了动态模型的拟合精度和模型真实性, 从而用于仿真实验及控制器设计。
Key words: aircraft cabin temperature control system / precooler heat exchange mechanism / finite element analysis / dynamic model parameters identification
关键字 : 飞行器座舱温度控制系统 / 预冷器换热机理 / 有限元分析 / 动态模型参数辨识
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